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 Solar Power 

ESB's SunnyCat model is designed to efficiently utilize solar power. The entire roof area of the boat is equipped with high-quality solar panels that collect and convert sunlight directly into electrical energy. This innovative solar power technology enables the boat to operate entirely on renewable energy, reducing dependence on traditional fuels and minimizing environmental impacts.

Solar energy is completely free, so the SunnyCat boat essentially operates at no cost. This makes the SunnyCat an economically viable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional motorboats.


Additionally, the use of solar power technology ensures minimal operating costs for the boat, making it an attractive option for both private boaters and professional use.

sunnycat electric motor
solar panels boat

Technology behind ESB

sunnycat battery

 High-Quality Battery System 

The SunnyCat boat is equipped with an integrated high-quality battery system that efficiently stores the solar energy collected. This battery system enables the boat to operate for up to six hours on a single charge, even when the sun isn't shining.


Additionally, the system is designed to collect enough energy even on cloudy days, keeping the battery nearly full and ensuring the boat's continuous reliability.

 Sustainable Material 

ESB's SunnyCat model is made from durable and lightweight material, enhancing the boat's performance and longevity while reducing environmental impacts.


This carefully selected material offers an optimal balance between lightness and strength, making the SunnyCat boat an excellent choice for environmentally conscious consumers and professional use alike.

sustainable material boat making

 Silent Performance 

ESB's SunnyCat model offers a quiet ride thanks to solar power technology. The boat moves very silently and emission-free, providing its users with a unique and environmentally friendly boating experience.

Regardless of the weather conditions, the SunnyCat boat offers a reliable and sustainable alternative to traditional internal combustion engine boats.

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